《文語》 彼らはこれを義務の遂行を高らかに呼びかける声と聞いたの英語
- They heard this as a clarion call to duty.
義務の遂行: 1. discharge of one's obligations 2. performance of one's duties 3. prosecution of one's duties
義務の履行を義務付ける: bind someone to any performance of any obligation〔人に〕
義務の遂行中に: in execution of one's duties
任務の遂行: performance of one's duties
債務の遂行: fulfillment of obligation
公務の遂行: performance of public duties
業務の遂行: job performance
職務の遂行: exercise of one's office
責務の遂行: performance of one's duties
ラッパを高らかに吹く: 1. blow a strong blast on one's bugle 2. give a strong blast on one's bugle
高らかに: 1. in a loud voice 2. in a ringing voice
業務の遂行能力: job performance
呼びかけ: 呼びかけ よびかけ call appeal
彼らは政府の権力拡大と聞いただけでも拒絶反応を示す。: They are allergic to any hint of expanded government powers.
高らかに歌う: 高らかに歌う v. sing one's heart out (見出しへ戻る headword ? 高らかに)